Second Sunday of Advent Year A In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. " For he is the one of whom spoke the prophet Isaiah when he said: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
And he, John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem, throughout Judea and the whole area along the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. (...)
The central phrase of the Baptist ad goes like this: the kingdom of heaven is near, repent. Are the same words which begin with the preaching of Jesus God is at hand, good news first. The great Pellegrino walked, consumed distances. For now, only the prophet of God sees the steps
But "it is not the revelation that lingers / our eyes are not yet ready" (E. Dickinson). Advent is the message that God is near, close to all, the network that gathers together in harmony, the wolf and the lamb, the lion and the ox, the child and the snake (the word of Isaiah), men and women, jew and Arab, Muslim and Christian, black and white, for a new architecture in the world and human relationships. The Kingdom of the heavens and the earth as God's dreams.
has not yet been realized? No matter, the dream of God is our future that calls us. We go from the future called. The second good news: then my life changed. This converts the heat is cold in the vicinity of the fire. "Stay close to me is to stay close to the fire" (apocryphal Gospel of Thomas), you will never go free from his encounter with fire. The force that changes people is a non-human force, a force im-mane, the divine in us, God who comes, comes in and grows inside.
What I convert a piece of Christ in me. Repent! More than an order is an opportunity: change direction, actions, thoughts, and with me the sky is closer and more blue, the sun warmer, more fertile soil, and there are a hundred brothers, and strong trees, and honey. With me you will live only the beginning. You will live wind and fire. And good fruit. Life in the revelation that change is always possible that no situation is no exit, by grace. The third center of the announcement of John: bear fruit worthy of conversion.
Merini Alda writes: faith is a hand / you take the guts / faith is a hand / that makes you give birth. Bear a good fruit! When God comes to life becomes fruitful, and no longer sterile. God is the center of life on the edge of it (Bonhoeffer). Reach out and touch the mysterious root of life that keeps us strong rights as trees, despite hopes that allows the rubble, despite the good wheat weeds in our field.
is in the heart of life, love and allegiance of love, hunger for justice, honesty tenacity, when I am committed to closing the gap between the great dream of the prophets and the little we have in his hands.
Because sin is not transgress the rules, but break a dream. A dream as big as that of Jesus, as good as that of Isaiah, at the center of life as that of John. (Reading: Isaiah 11.1-10, Psalm 71, Matthew 3.1 to 12, Romans 15, 4-9).
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