the oratory of Vasto the foot of the cathedral of Florence |
The slogan that accompanied the forum this year was "Citizens of the Word" because young people who participated have retraced the footsteps of the great figures of the past that have made great Florence: Dante, Michelangelo and Giorgio La Pira.
Fatigue and the rain did not stop the young people of our oratory, under the sign of Don Bosco, have given an example and proof that you can be good Christians and honest citizens.
A forum that was attended by over 2,000 young people from each house salesianadell 'Central Inspectorate and a small representation of Northeast Italy.
Many guests present in the three-day forum, each of which has meant that the event succeeded to perfection thanks to their experience.
boys Vasto with Giampiero Perone |
A successful experience in full for the efficient organizational machine that since the recent months has carried out all the logistics and organization of the forum in general.
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