Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yahoo.com 554 Message Not Allowed

in Advertising in Interior

I crop a little advertisement!

I had the pleasure of working with the site Matematicamente.it to build a game aimed at children in primary school.
I dealt with both programming (my real job) and the graphics (my hobby) while for the music, I turned to dear Riccardo Pulvirenti (the link to her blog is the infamous right-hand column!)

If the game will receive many clicks and positive feedback will be the possibility (very real) to develop and publish an entire cd of games on behalf of a major Italian publishing house.
What should you do? Simple, click on this link and choose http://www.matematicamente.it/giochi_e_gare/gioca_con_la_matematica/ the game "due weight"!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Meningitis Rash Does It Itch

Another table for the book of "Cagliostro"

drawings always Rossano Piccioni, history always Giulio Gualtieri, always colorazzi Walter Porto (chepoisareiio!)